Unleash Your New Normal!
Caregiver, are you feeling powerless and don’t understand what is going on?
Are you grieving because you have lost the person you knew, roles have shifted beyond recognition, and everything feels out of control?
You want your life to get back to normal; to the way things were before it became unrecognizable. Now it is all too overwhelming! You just do not know HOW to begin or WHAT to do? You don’t understand your loved one's new behaviors, moods, or personality. You feel guilty, overwhelmed, ashamed, powerless to help, sad and often struggle with burn-out, anxiety, depression, caregiver fatigue, isolation, and hopelessness.
You are part of the Sandwich Generation of women in their 40’s, 50’s and sometimes 60’s who feel precariously vulnerable caring for one or both elderly parents, your own children, a loved one with a Brain Injury, Stroke, Dementia, or Autism Spectrum Disorder. Some days it’s like walking a tightrope wearing high heels, without a safety net! I understand. I have first-hand experience of these feelings as both survivor and caregiver. I am passionate about helping Caregivers learn to accept the other person’s situation, give care by learning new ways to support and be present.
How Can I Help!
I am a change catalyst, resilience-builder, a fierce advocate, and coach. I am here to work with those who feel dis-enfranchised, or burnt-out. YOU WISH TO THRIVE v. SURVIVE. I apply pro-active, results oriented tools, strategies and lived experience to the coaching process, to inspire and empower every person (especially “busy” overwhelmed women). I help caregivers effortlessly transition from “Caretaker” to “Caregiver” learning new ways to be present with their loved one (s), while simultaneously losing the “Superwoman” cape, unleashing a “new normal!” I also guide and support you as you navigate work/life balance CHALLENGES, CHANGES, and TRANSITIONS, developing a confident, resilient, “inner warrior” spirit. Now when life hands out lemons you can make lemonade. With my help you will discover boundless possibilities, better manage ALL life areas, succeed, and live your BEST LIFE!
Book Free 60 - Minute Consult Here
Book HereAbout Vinny
Vinny is originally from England, has lived in Canada, in and around the Calgary area and Cochrane area for more than 40 years. Vinny loves the Cochrane life-tyle and its small-town feel. It reminds her of her roots in the U.K. Its small-town values provide a sense of belonging. Vinny is married and lives in Cochrane AB, with husband Andrew and their dog Max.
Vinny’s Educational background includes a Legal Assistant’s Diploma. Vinny is also a Certified Career & Life Management Coach/Consultant, a Certified Neuro-Flow™ High Performance Coach and trained Workshop Facilitator. She has over 20 years experience in Cognitive Behavioral Life Coaching and Group Facilitation. Cognitive Behavioral Life Coaching applies therapeutic and educational principles to experiential hands-on problem-solving tools during the coaching process to bring about immediate change. She also has an experienced background in Theology & Marriage Counseling, Crisis Counseling, Brain Injury & Post-Concussion Syndrome Management (coaching survivors and caregivers) and is a trained Trauma Mentor/Coach. She is a brain injury survivor and has lived experience as a 24/7 Caregiver to a Stroke survivor and her mother who passed away recently after living with Dementia for 10 years.
Prior to brain injury Vinny was an avid volunteer in the community. Her focus now has become helping Caregivers and survivors live their “best life!

Lets Get In Touch

"I would highly recommend Vinny as a life coach. I hired her when I was on the verge of complete burnout being the sole caretaker for my dad. Vinny was with me every step of the way. She supported me in finding respite, helping me sort through the emotions that come with caring for a loved one who is deteriorating and showed me ways I could create a balance in my life. Vinny truly cares about the people she works with and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her practice making her a very affective life coach."
Jennifer Toews
"I had the great pleasure of meeting Vinny in the spring of 2019 during a transitional year in my career. I had spent 15 years in a successful and demanding career and wanted to ensure my next adventure was more focused and balanced on what I truly enjoy doing versus what I am very good at doing. Vinny’s skills and approach highlighted many key learnings that previous career coaches were unable to determine. She has provided me with insights to myself that I will be able to ensure are part of not just my career but my life which will keep me focused on what is really important to me.
Since our original coaching sessions, I’ve reached out to Vinny to refocus as I could see common patterns creeping into my behaviours (workaholic tendencies specifically). She was able to ask key questions and lead me to find the solutions I need to move forward on a more rewarding path.
Knowing I have a career partner moving forward is invaluable to me and I would highly recommend Vinny for anything she pursues as she will tackle it with a vengeance and deliver superior tools and results that clients are able to leverage and grow with.
Thank you! Vinny, for invaluable support. You helped me through a difficult and rewarding time and I now my skills and self-realization are stronger as a result of your coaching!"
T. Baker
Retirement Coaching Client
"I came to visit Vinny, back in September, to browse through her Jockey clothing line. We had met previously at a networking lunch. Once upon arriving, we decided to sit and have a little visit before shopping. She talked about her coaching business and all the help she has given over the years to her clients. I couldn't help but open up to Vinny about my own life and some marital issues I had been experiencing. I had a husband with a gambling problem and really didn't know where to turn. Instead of giving advice, Vinny asked questions. I had to be honest with myself and answer them from the heart. I cried, I laughed and I came away feeling like a new person. I knew what had to be communicated with my husband to make our marriage work and for the sake of my children. I am happy to say that I was able to come home and have that serious conversation and work things out. The shopping afterwards was fun too!! Thanks again Vinny!! She was very professional and would highly recommend anyone with any life challenges to visit with you!"
Signed... A satisfied customer
"Brain injury seriously compromises many cognitive and emotional functions that we take for granted. One of the real tragedies of brain injury is the victims lack of ability to process the need for help and the means of obtaining help.
Vinny Gibson has experienced that terrible world where brain injury compounds every task. Vinny has first hand knowledge regarding the Health Care System, and how to access and receive appropriate treatment and support.
Ms. Gibson's experience and training may be of great assistance in assisting people who have suffered brain injury."